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Rondout Yacht Basin

How Molo Helped Rondout Yacht Basin Improve Business Operations Located on the Hudson River, Rondout Yacht Basin is a full-service, 16-acre marina that offers a variety of summertime activities, including managing vessels, as well as a dockside eatery and picnic area. We spoke with Nick Rothlein, Owner and Operator, about how day-to-day operations at the marina have significantly improved since he implemented Molo. Problem: Too Much Paperwork Before Molo, Nick was often overwhelmed at the office, surrounded by file cabinets and stacks of paperwork. The amount of time spent trying to find the right document, or organizing documents effectively, hindered day-to-day operations for Rondout Yacht Basin. Nick described the situation: “When we took over the marina in 2016, everything was done with pen and paper, and you had to be in the office to complete basic tasks.” “I spent so much time spent just trying to find files in folders. One folder led me to another folder, and I often wasted many hours tracking information down instead of actually getting work done.” The outdated processes took a toll, and a particular concern was an inability to work outside of the office, especially during the off-season when the marina is closed. “You couldn’t do any work at home. If I forgot a document, I’d have to go back to the office and get it,” Nick said. Solution: A One-Stop-Shop for Operations Nick soon realized that Rondout Yacht Basin needed a solution to help streamline operations. Other partners were evaluated, but when Nick met the Molo team at the Docks Expo in Nashville, he was instantly impressed. “We looked at a few other vendors but chose Molo because the team was great to get along with and the system was really intuitive,” Nick explained. The Molo team went above and beyond to help Nick implement the system across Rondout Yacht Basin, which made a huge difference. “We appreciated that after we went with Molo, they kept the relationship going during the implementation experience and helped bring us up to speed,” Nick said. For Nick and his team, the implementation of Molo was seamless. “We use Molo for everything I need to run the Marina. It’s our one-stop-shop.” Currently, Molo is Rondout Yacht Basin’s all-in-one solution for POS, billing, and payroll, as they are able to connect QuickBooks to Molo. This integration has been crucial for the team’s efficiency. Molo offers a number of direct integrations, not just with QuickBooks, but with other popular accounting software like Xero. At a time when organizations are looking to simplify their tech stack, these direct integrations make a huge difference. In addition, Nick uses Molo’s interactive map to show customers where slips are, and employees use Molo to track inventory. Benefits: An Ability to Work from Anywhere Ever since using Molo, Nick and his team have saved a significant amount of time completing day-to day tasks. One key improvement, according to Nick, is an ability to work from anywhere. “The other day I was in Colorado and able to work remotely. Molo is a massive benefit because I can be more free with my free time, and more flexible with where I work.” Not having to deal with endless stacks of paperwork helps, as does the ability to track daily progress. In particular, Nick singled out the streamlined process for inventory tracking: “We have our inventory in the system, so when supplies run low, I get an email alert and can immediately restock. Employees can check as well and often let me know when we’re about to run out.” “If I get a call in the morning and I’m not at the marina, I can access Molo from my phone and do what I need to do. Business doesn’t slow down. ” There’s another benefit that separates Rondout Yacht Basin from other marinas. “We’re the only marina in our area with software like Molo,” Nick explained. “When people walk into our office, it is cleaner, with fewer file cabinets all over the place. This is important for our business reputation.” Rondout Yacht Basin isn’t likely to consider other vendors for the foreseeable future. Nick’s experience has been nothing but positive, and over the years, he appreciates how the Molo team has updated and enhanced the software to suit customers’ needs. “I like that Molo listens and keeps building features that are helpful to the industry. The Molo team always hears our feedback, and as a result, we haven’t had to do much shopping around,” Nick said.