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Sand Sail Point Marina

How Molo helped Sand Sail Point improve their operations billing Located in Seattle, Washington, Sail Sand Point has grown by leaps and bounds, transforming from a small neighborhood program into a flourishing boating community that serves people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities from around King County. The mission of Sail Sand Point is to bring the joy and life-enhancing benefits of sailing and small boats to people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. We spoke with Sam Harwood, Director of Administration, about how Molo has benefited their operations with billing and organization of information for the business as they continue to grow in the community. Problem: Billing & Information Management In 1988, when the naval base transitioned to a community boating facility, the boatyard was kept track of on paper for the better part of two decades and then when we transitioned leadership, one of the first changes we knew needed to be made was that “we need to get systems in place that are longer lasting,” because at this point we had switched from paper only to paper and excel but that has its problems in and of itself. “It (excel) is only as dependable as a person remembering to put stuff in or take stuff out, and after looking at many options we switched to Molo for all of our management needs.” Solution: Digital Invoices & Recurring charges With many options to choose from, Sail Sand Point was looking to find a way to have a seamless transition from six month billing to monthly billing. “We were looking for monthly billing as we have only done six month billing as customers would bring their boats for just the summer and then move them out for the winter of vice versa, but we wanted something where we can provide more payment options for every customer that comes in and it got to be too confusing trying to do that in excel.” Sam continued to share the benefit of this change, “Molo has allowed us also to take card payments and automatically bill which has been important because we were doing it through PayPal and checks or cash and that made it really difficult to keep track of things accurately. With Molo we don’t even have to think about it.” Benefits: Organization for all aspects of the Business Molo has benefited Sand Sail Point in many ways, but with the Seattle space becoming more competitive in the boating industry it is even more important now than ever to be organized and be able to keep track of where things are and where things are supposed to be now and in the future. “We work with organizations and not just individuals, for example the University of Washington sailing team, non profit organizations and the YMCA. With Molo we are able to bill and do reduced prices for spaces within the software rather than separately so there are no questions when it comes to the original agreement as the contracts are uploaded with their account online rather than doing paper contracts every time they make a reservation,” stated Sam. Having the ability to update, send and save online contracts with Molo easily has provided a new and easy way to hiring new staff and having boats and members change within organizations as well. “We also have a lot of folks that will sell a boat and Molo makes it very easy to take that reservation and give it to the person that's buying it as an incentive. They buy the boat and they get the spot for it and previously there was a lot of opportunity for mistakes as well as mistakes made in the past because we would have a different name associated with the spaces as someone sold a boat. But with Molo we can attach two names to the same boat if we ever needed (which excel doesn't allow us to do) so friends and family and people buying a boat can all be associated with the same vessel.” As Sand Sail Point continues to grow, Sam hopes that with “the future addition of a weld shop and some other facility changes,” that they will continue to get more traffic all around which will allow them to provide more classes and camps for the community alongside the space for docking and mooring. With having Molo as their all in one management software, these changes will be seamless and easy for everyone as Sam stated, “The software is just easy to understand and knowing that our staff will continue to grow as we grow it is important for us to be able to train our staff easily.”